Let the Lights Begin

The latest and the greatest aesthetical technology used in aesthetic treatment. Our Pico X Laser is designed to safely deliver powerful pulses in picoseconds to initiate the skin’s own natural healing process.

This non-invasive treatment promotes rejuvenation while simultaneously reducing acne scars, wrinkles, pigmentation issues. As a result, this will improve skin tone, texture and tightness. The intense microsecond pulses will also naturally stimulate new collagen production under the skin.

A Breath of New Life

CO2 Laser

An ablative laser utilising the fractionated resurfacing technique & heat targeted at layers of skin tissue to improve laxity, texture, reduce fine lines and pigmentation. Experience a new kind of refreshment - unlike anything you’ve felt before.

The C02 Laser works to reverse aging, improve skin quality and boost collagen production to keep your skin bright and healthy at all times.

Be new, be you with our CO2 Laser.

  • Rejuvenation

    Boost skin’s
    moisture retention.

  • Repair

    For damaged skin cells
    & scars.

  • Resurfacing

    Achieve softer,
    smoother skin.

  • Refresh

    Satisfaction guaranteed,
    comfort ensured.

Try now